Whatnot ------- As far as I know, it supports RSS 0.9x, 1.0, 2.0 and Atom. Anyone's free to use this (unless bandwidth becomes an issue), but the feed refresh time is set at 6 hours. Depending on your aggregator, the error reporting may become annoying. Source &c. -------------- I tried to use a proper XML parser, do it the right way and all that, but had a ridiculous amount of trouble keeping attributes &c. intact. Dodgy regular expressions are much, much easier. :) Written in messy PHP by [me][sa]. Please don't point and laugh; it's rude. :( The filter source is available [here][rf] on its own. This page also uses [Cache_Lite][cl] for caching, [Snoopy][s] (actually, [Kellan][k]'s modified [Snoopy-with-gzip][swg]) to get files, [PHP-Markdown][pm] to keep the HTML manageable, with a bit of CSS and some shoddy XSL. Download the whole shebang [here][z] if you want it. [sa]: http://rephrase.net [rf]: http://rephrase.net/box/refilter/ReFilter.phps [cl]: http://pear.php.net/Cache_Lite [s]: http://snoopy.sf.net [k]: http://laughingmeme.org/ [swg]: http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/magpierss/magpierss/extlib/Snoopy.class.inc [pm]: http://michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/ [z]: http://re.rephrase.net/filter/refilter.zip Contact ------- Send email regarding this to sam, then a little a-inna-circle deelie, rephrase.net. More ---- * [Main filter page][m] * [More on filters][f] [m]: ./ [f]: ./?p=filters