Filters ------- * A simple filter: `cornflakes`. Only show me items containing the text "cornflakes". * Cornflake-haters, go for `-cornflakes`. * Only want cornflakes with milk? `cornflakes AND milk`, or just `cornflakes milk`. * Looking for obscure experimental pop group Cornflakes Milk? `"cornflakes milk"`. Maybe `"cornflakes milk" music -cereal` to be safe. * Something more complicated? `-((cornflakes OR milk) AND (mold OR "an unpleasant odour"))`. Advanced -------- * Only search inside a specific element: `description:cornflakes`, `author:"bob johnson"`. (Note: remove colons from namespaced elements -- `dcsubject:cereal` not `dc:subject:cereal`.) * ... or attribute: `enclosure:type:audio`. * Simple `cornflakes` is shorthand for `in:cornflakes`; `element:cornflakes` is `in:element:cornflakes`. * See if a particular element exists: `has:element`; or attribute: `has:element:attribute`. * Exact start or end of a string: `start:text`, `end:element:text`, `start:element:attribute:text`. Boolean Fun ----------- * For "and" you can leave a space, use `AND`, `&`, or `&&`. * For "or" you want `OR`, `|`, or `||`. * Example: `(cornflakes AND milk) | (toast && cheese) || "those horrible pop-tart things"`. Other ----- * You can't use `in:(a OR b)`; it must be `(in:a OR in:b)`. * Search terms can't contain double quote (`"`). * Search terms containing colons, parentheses or tildes (`:`, `()`, `~`) should be in double quotes, e.g. `in:description:"~:()"`. More ---- * [Main filter page][m] * [Source & other info][iaq] [m]: ./?p=filters [iaq]: ./?p=iaq